What is quantum error correction? Find out in my review paper, Quantum Error Correction: An Introductory Guide. Now published in Contemporary Physics. The accepted manuscript can also be downloaded here.

Welcome to my website! I work at the UK's newly established Quantum Software Lab where I lead research into quantum error correction.


Current: Quantum Error Correction Lead, Quantum Software Lab, University of Edinburgh
2021-2023: Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Computing, Freie Universität Berlin
2018-2021 Research Associate in Quantum Error Correction, Sheffield University
2015-2018: PhD Quantum Computing, Durham University
2013-2014: Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara
2011-2015: MPhys Physics, Manchester University
2010-2011: Year in Industry, Shell Global Solutions

My research

Quantum computers promise to be vastly more powerful than the current generation of computers. However, there are many problems to be overcome if they are ever to become a reality. One of the principal hurdles is that quantum bits (qubits) are typically realised through fragile quantum systems such as single ions, photons or superconducting circuits. These systems are extremely difficult to control and are therefore susceptible to error. My research focuses on developing quantum error protocols designed to mitigate the effects of these errors.


The full list of my publications can be found on the arXiv or via my Google Scholar profile.

  1. A deMarti iOlius. I Etxezarreta Martinez. J Roffe. J Etxezarreta Martinez. An almost-linear time decoding algorithm for quantum LDPC codes under circuit-level noise. arXiv.2409.01440. 2024.
  2. T Hillmann. L Berent. A O Quintavalle. J Eisert. R Wille. J Roffe. Localized statistics decoding: A parallel decoding algorithm for quantum low-density parity check codes. arXiv:2406.18655. 2024.
  3. T Scruby. T Hillmann. J Roffe. High-threshold, low-overhead and single shot decodable fault-tolerant quantum memory. arXiv:2406.14445. 2024.
  4. L Berent. T Hillmann. J Eisert. R Wille. J Roffe. Analog information decoding of bosonic quantum LDPC codes. PRX Quantum 5, 020349. 2024.
  5. K Tiurev. PJHS Derks. J Roffe. J Eisert. JM Reiner. Correcting non-independent and non-identically distributed errors with surface codes. Quantum 7, 1123. 2023.
  6. N Chancellor. A Kissinger. S Zohren. J Roffe. D Horsman. Graphical Structures for the Design and Verification of Quantum Error Correction. Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 045028. 2023.
  7. K Tiurev, A Pesah, PJHS Derks, J Roffe, J Eisert, MS Kesselring, JM Reiner. The domain wall color code. arXiv:2307.00054. 2023.
  8. J Roffe. L Cohen. A Quintavalle. D Chandra. E Campbell. Bias-tailored quantum LDPC codes. Quantum 7, 1005. 2023.
  9. J Roffe. Towards practical quantum LDPC codes. Quantum Views 5, 63. 2021.
  10. A O Quintavalle. M Vasmer. J Roffe. E T Campbell. Single-shot error correction of three-dimensional homological product codes. PRX Quantum 2 (2), 020340. 2021.
  11. J Roffe. D R White. S Burton. E T Campbell. Decoding Across the Quantum LDPC Code Landscape. Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043423. 2020.
  12. J Roffe. S Zohren. D Horsman. N Chancellor. Quantum Codes from Classical Graphical Models . IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2020.
  13. J Roffe. Quantum Error Correction: An Introductory Guide. Contemporary Physics. 2019.
  14. J Roffe. The Coherent Parity Check Framework for Quantum error Correction. Durham University. PhD thesis. 2019.
  15. J Roffe. S Zohren. D Horsman. N Chancellor. Decoding Quantum Error Correction with Ising Model Hardware. arXiv:1903.10254. 2019.
  16. J Roffe. D Headley. N Chancellor. D Horsman. V Kendon. Protecting Quantum Memories using Coherent Parity Check Codes . Quantum Science and Technology. 2018.

About me

After leaving school, I spent a year working in the Analytical Technology group at Shell Research near Chester as part of the Year in Industry programme. Most of my time at Shell was spent operating electron microscopes for a range of clients, including - amongst others - the Ferarri Formula 1 team.

Following my year in industry I began a physics degree at the University of Manchester. This included a year abroad in sunnier climes at The University of California at Santa Barbara where I developed my interest in quantum technologies. On my return to Manchester I completed a Master's project studying open quantum systems under the supervision of Ahsan Nazir.

In 2015 I began a PhD in Quantum Computing at Durham University under the supervision of Viv Kendon, Dom Horsman and Nicholas Chancellor. My research focused on developing a new approach for the study of quantum error correction codes called the Coherent Parity Check (CPC) framework.

After my PhD I worked with Earl Campbell, Armanda Quintavalle, Yingkai Ouyang and David R White at Sheffield University as part of the Quantum Codes, Designs and Architectures project. Following this, I spent three years in Germany working in Jens Eisert's quantum computing group at the Free University Berlin.

I am now based at the University of Edinburgh where I work for the Quantum Software Lab.


Email: joschka@roffe.eu
Twitter: @quantumgizmos